I need your love, I need your trashy romance.

#PatriotAlert #CheezIt

If you’re like me you love some faux luxury, white trash edition. From fake crab, knock off hand bags, prime rib at a Sizzler, and dressing up in a ball gown or tuxedo to get a steak at a Ruby Tuesday… these are some of the fine things ballers on a budget truly value, and they are sweet. Finally I think the ultimate faux luxury box has been released. A wine and cheese night done right. The wine brand, House Wine has come up with a party box featuring some of it’s finest bagged hooch and a family size bag of CheezIts. What a night of romance and fine dining all from the same box… now that is America! It will be released on July 25th online and in select stores. For more information on where to get yours click the link below.

Find more about the Wine and Cheez-It Box, Here!