Ranch Stockings!

#PatriotAlert #RANCH #RanchExpert

First of all, y’all. Thank you to the many who sent me this. Even though I don’t love Hidden Valley as my favorite ranch, I can’t help but give them the respect they deserve for being the pioneers they are in the ranch industry and also for the ingenuity they continue to show today. They’ve really made ranch not only a brand, but a lifestyle. A refined yet trashy yet thoughtful lifestyle.

In honor of the celebration of the birth of the baby Jesus, the good and very pious creative team at Hidden Valley unleashed something truly beautiful… a Christmas stocking filled with ranch dressing complete with a tap for a controlled easy pour situation. It’s a great gift for all the flavor lovers in your life and those trying to cushion themselves up for a long and cold winter. I can think of a few people who’d I love to get this $35 priceless gift to and if you’re struggling on thinking of who might just be the right person for it in your social circles, pray on it. More details on where to get this precious holiday gem at the link below.