Four Loko has a new Seltzer out, and you still like feeling like shit.

#PatriotAlert #FourLoko

Hey Patriots,

Do you hate when your body feels good and functional? When you have a refreshing summer drink do you want to feel like shit right after your last sip? You do? Tight, me too. So I have some good news for all of us. What is it you ask? Well, the drink of our generation, FourLoko has come out with their own seltzer that is 14% alcohol and 2% Milkfat. JK LOL about the milk part… or am I? You won’t really know after drinking it if I was kidding about the milk part or not because you’ll be too busy trying to find a trash can or hand cranking the back passenger window of your friends non-air-conditioned stick shift 2003 Kia Rio to stick your head out of as you’re driving down a stretch of highway with no side bar to pull over onto. Anyway, more info at the link down below. Cheers to your future mistakes! #Loko4Loko.

Four Loko Seltzer Deets: Here