The McRib is Back.

I grew up learning that more than any chess club, rotary club or country club the most important club to be a part of was the Clean Plate Club ®™. Finishing all the food you had on your plate was of the utmost importance in my house and it showed that you were worthy of your next meal let alone the one in front of you. As a surprise to no one, I love McDonalds. I grew up eating it and knowing it was a treat and a delicacy and should be treated as such. I made a point to eat every crumb from my single cheeseburger and small fry meal when I was young because I never knew when I’d back under the golden arches next (also I like all kids was addicted to salt and sugar). As I grew with my appetite so did my order when I went. From a single cheeseburger, to a McDouble or Double Cheeseburger (hold the pickles, ketchup and mustard, keep the onions add mac sauce) and when I felt particularly wealthy, I would get a Big Mac.   

One day back in 2007, I had just gotten paid from my very prestigious job as the courtesy clerk at Target and met my friends Pete, Drew and Adam at our home town McDonald’s going in planning to get a McDouble and a 4 piece McNug but was distracted by the large banner on the roof that proclaimed the good word that in fact “The McRib is Back”. Feeling adventurous I went up to the counter and ordered it. I was 16 and had lived a very full and exiting life… but I had never had a McRib until now. I got my box that served as the temporary home to the sandwich and was impressed even before I opened it. It was long, elegant looking and red. I opened up the container to a very messy sandwich coated in BBQ sauce and was excited and nervous for this new experience. I took my first bite and was thoroughly disappointed. It was chewy in a weird way, the sauce way too sweet and the onions were raw and overpowering; not at all a nice contrast to the sweet and faux smoky sauce. My world was honestly a little rocked. I had heard about the McRib only in legendary and mystical forms prior to eating it and I felt like someone who had just met a celebrity they always admired but it turns out that star is really just a drunk dick. The point of this story is that the McRib is not my thing, but it might be yours! Which is cool, kinda. If it is it is back for a limited time and you can click the link below to find out which McDonald’s are participating.


Find Where the McRib is At: Here!